
關於註冊-如何註冊? How do I register?
關於註冊-註冊時系統回覆「您的帳號已存在或已註冊」訊息,該怎麼辦? A message saying “Your account already exists or has been registered” appeared during my registration, what should I do?
關於註冊-沒有收到驗證信件怎麼辦? What should I do if I do not receive the confirmation letter?
關於註冊-忘記密碼怎麼辦? What should I do if I forget my password?
關於註冊-如何修改密碼? How do I change my password?
關於註冊-帳號是否可以共用? May I use my account with others?
系統操作-購買後如何進行課程觀看? How do I watch course videos after purchasing?
系統操作-是否有提供學員操作手冊? Does the platform offer Student Learning Manuals?
關於課程-對於課程內容有問題,要如何詢問? How do I ask questions about the course?
關於課程-購買後可上課期限? How long do I have before the course expires?
關於課程-課程影片無法撥放? What should I do if I cannot play the course video?
關於課程-為什麼測驗時發生頁面強制關閉問題? Why does the tab force quit during tests?
關於課程-如何開始測驗並取得證書? How do I start the test and acquire my certificate?
關於課程-測驗未及格該怎麼辦 ? What happens if I fail the test?
關於繳費-如何購買課程? How do I purchase courses?
關於繳費-如何取得課程代碼? How do I acquire the course code?
關於繳費-如何查詢繳費成功、查詢購買紀錄、開立繳費收據? How do I check if my payment was successful, search my purchase history, and get issued a receipt?
關於繳費-如何退費? How do I get a refund?
關於繳費-購買多門課程是否有優惠? Are there discounts if I buy multiple courses?
其他問題-如何聯繫客服專線/信箱? How do I call the customer service hotline/contact customer service e-mail?